
Moving can be messy

In Dayspring Dawning on October 14, 2008 at 8:53 pm

Hello and welcome to my new online home! I’ve had to pack up and move from my previous location so please bear with me while I get acclimated to this new spot on the web.

By the way, I’m Jeanine Berry and I write SF, fantasy and paranormal novels. I’ve been writing for most of my life, but published my first novel in 2000. Since then I’ve written a fantasy series and an  SF series and contributed to several anthologies.

Dayspring Dawning was my first novel and the birth of my Dayspring series. So I’ll start my blog by putting up its cover. Sharp-eyed readers may notice it says Book II of the trilogy. That’s because after I wrote it and its sequel, I went back and wrote a prequel. Hey, writing can be messy, too, and there’s no rule that you have to do everything in a certain order.  It all worked out in the end, and I’m happy to say the trilogy has won several prizes, including an Eppie for Best Fantasy Novel in 2004 (awarded to Dayspring Destiny, the concluding book of the series).

So welcome again to the start of my new blogging adventure. Please bookmark my page and come back soon to see what i’ve managed to add.

Webbing Away

In Uncategorized on November 9, 2008 at 6:42 pm

I’ve expanded my footprint on the World Wide Web by creating a new web site to go with this blog. Now one of these days I’ll have to link them together. Hey, I never claimed to be an Internet expert, but Google and Word Press certainly make it easy.

You can visit my new site here: Crossing the Imaginary Line

I’ve only loaded one page so far, but soon there will be excerpts and short stories to enjoy, so I hope you drop by.

My ‘tell-all’ moment

In Uncategorized on October 19, 2008 at 5:31 pm

As a journalist, I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing a lot of people. Some people are gushers who will happily sit down and tell you their whole life story in riveting detail. You soon know all about their mother and father, their significant other, their children, their work, their illnesses and anything else you can imagine — and some things you couldn’t.

Others belong to the closed-mouthed school and you have to pry every word loose from them. Anything beyond a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ is a major triumph. They have figured out that one way to avoid being misquoted is not to be quoted at all.

As a journalist, I prefer to meet the gusher, but in my own life I’m more of the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ type. However, once you come into the public eye you have to be a little bit more forthcoming. One of my publishers asked me to sit down for an interview for their web site, and I tried my best to make my answers longer than one word. Having succeeded, I thought I’d share the results here. Check out the Interview with Jeanine Berry page on this site.